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  • Living HTA: Automating Health Technology Assessment with R

    Authors: Robert A. Smith, Paul P. Schneider, Wael Mohammed
    DOI: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.17933.1
    Submitted by rasmith3    

    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    We think this is an interesting paper for anyone who wants to learn to build an API with the R package plumber. This is a novel method in health economics, but we believe will help improve the transparency of modelling methods in our field.

  • Encapsulated Nanowires: Boosting Electronic Transport in Carbon Nanotubes

    Authors: Andrij Vasylenko, Jamie Wynn, Paulo Medeiros, Andrew J Morris, Jeremy Sloan, David Quigley
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.121408
    Submitted by dquigley      
      Mean reproducibility score:   5.0/10   |   Number of reviews:   2
    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    DFT calculations are in principle reproducible between different codes, but differences can arise due to poor choice of convergence tolerances, inappropriate use of pseudopotentials and other numerical considerations. An independent validation of the key quantities needed to compute electrical conductivity would be valuable. In this case we have published our input files for calculating the four quantities needed to parametrise the transport simulations from which we compute the electrical conductivity. These are specifically electronic band structure, phonon dispersions, electron-phonon coupling constants and third derivatives of the force constants. Each in turn in more sensitive to convergence tolerances than the last, and it is the final quantity on which the conclusions of the paper critically depend. Reference output data is provided for comparison at the data URL below. We note that the pristine CNT results (dark red line) in figure 3 are an independent reproduction of earlier work and so we are confident the Boltzmann transport simulations are reproducible. The calculated inputs to these from DFT (in the case of Be encapsulation) have not been independently reproduced to our knowledge.

  • New Insight into the Stability of CaCO3 Surfaces and Nanoparticles via Molecular Simulation

    Authors: A. Matthew Bano, P. Mark Rodger, and David Quigley
    DOI: 10.1021/la501409j
    Submitted by dquigley      

    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    The negative surface enthalpies in figure 5 are surprising. At least one group has attempted to reproduce these using a different code and obtained positive enthalpies. This was attributed to the inability of that code to independently relax the three simulation cell vectors resulting in an unphysical water density. This demonstrates how sensitive these results can be to the particular implementation of simulation algorithms in different codes. Similarly the force field used is now very popular. Its functional form and full set of parameters can be found in the literature. However differences in how different simulation codes implement truncation, electrostatics etc can lead to significant difference in results such as these. It would be a valuable exercise to establish if exactly the same force field as that used here can be reproduced from only its specification in the literature. The interfacial energies of interest should be reproducible with simulations on modest numbers of processors (a few dozen) with run times for each being 1-2 days. Each surface is an independent calculation and so these can be run concurrently during the ReproHack.

  • Thermodynamics of stacking disorder in ice nuclei

    Authors: David Quigley
    DOI: 10.1063/1.4896376
    Submitted by dquigley      
      Mean reproducibility score:   3.0/10   |   Number of reviews:   1
    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    The results of this paper have been used in multiple subsequent studies as a benchmark against which other methods of performing the same calculation have been tested. Other groups have challenged the results as suffering from finite size effects, in particular the calculations on mixtures of cubic and hexagonal ice. Should there be time during in the event, participants could check this by performing calculations on larger unit cells. Each individual calculation should converge adequately within 96 hours making it amenable to a HPC ReproHack. Given modern HPC hardware many such calculations could be run concurrently on a single HPC node.

  • Where should new parkrun events be located? Modelling the potential impact of 200 new events on socio-economic inequalities in access and participation

    Authors: Schneider PP, Smith RA, Bullas AM, Bayley T, Haake SS, Brennan A, Goyder E
    Submitted by hub-admin    
      Mean reproducibility score:   7.0/10   |   Number of reviews:   3
    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    If all went right, the analysis should be fully reproducible without the need to make any adjustments. The paper aims to find optimal locations for new parkruns, but we were not 100% sure how 'optimal' should be defined. We provide a few examples, but the code was meant to be flexible enough to allow potential decision makers to specify their own, alternative objectives. The spatial data set is also quite interesting and fun to play around with. Cave: The full analysis takes a while to run (~30+ min) and might require >= 8gb ram.

  • Determination of the fundamental absorption and optical bandgap of dielectric thin films from single optical transmittance measurements

    Authors: A. Tejada, L. Montañez, C. Torres, P. Llontop, L. Flores-Escalante, F. De Zela, A. Winnacker, and J. A. Guerra
    Submitted by hub-admin    

    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    We propose a simple method to retrieve optical constants from single optical transmittance measurements, in particular in the fundamental absorption region. The construction of needed envelopes is arbitrary and will depend on the user. However, the method should still be robust and deliver similar results.

  • Open Trade Statistics

    Authors: Pachá (Mauricio Vargas Sepúlveda)
    Submitted by hub-admin    

    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    The focus of the project is reproducibility. Here we show the differences to access data compared to similar initiatives: Also, similar projects have obscure parts, while our exposes the code from raw data downloading to dashboard creation.

    Tags: R Shiny
  • Growth Dynamics of Independent Gametophytes of Pleurosoriopsis makinoi ( Polypodiaceae)

    Authors: Atsushi Ebihara, Joel H. Nitta, Yurika Matsumoto, Yuri Fukazawa, Marie Kurihara, Hitomi Yokote, Kaoru Sakuma, Otowa Azakami, Yumiko Hirayama, Ryoko Imaichi
    Submitted by joelnitta    
      Mean reproducibility score:   10.0/10   |   Number of reviews:   1
    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    It uses the drake R package that should make reproducibility of R projects much easier (just run make.R and you're done). However, it does depend on very specific package versions, which are provided by the accompanying docker image.

    Tags: R Docker Drake
  • Spatial modelling of rice yield losses in Tanzania due to bacterial leaf blight and leaf blast in a changing climate

    Authors: C. Duku, A. H. Sparks, S. J. Zwart.
    DOI: 10.1007/s10584-015-1580-2
    Submitted by hub-admin    
      Mean reproducibility score:   4.0/10   |   Number of reviews:   2
    Why should we attempt to reproduce this paper?

    This was my third attempt at making a paper fully reproducible. To date I it's the most reproducible that I have published. I'm interested to know what stumbling blocks exist that I'm not aware of (aside from needing software like ArcGIS to fully rerun the complete analysis).

    Tags: Python R ArcGIS

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